Prints: Salvaged Chevron


When Serena & Lily commissioned a custom run of “Untitled (Chevron)” a couple years back, I ended up with a few extras—misprints tossed aside in the scratch n’ dent file. There they lingered, stuck in limbo on the stack as they couldn’t be used in the official print run nor sold elsewhere. Fast forward one year when I was printing a chevron in metallic gold. On a lark, I overprinted on one of the discarded prints. The gold looked good paired with the white and orange so I printed a few more, cut them down and made them available as a set of three-color miniature prints.

One of my favorite things about screenprinting is having the chance to revisit old work with fresh eyes and potentially create something new. Sometimes the old work holds up on its own and I wonder why I dismissed it in the first place. Other times an additional layer of color is just enough to push it to the next level. This proved to be the case with Chevron 2.0.

These salvaged prints—along with many new hand-screened editioned prints and monoprints—will be available at Cherokee Heights Arts Festival in Marietta, Georgia on Saturday, November 14.