Things We Like: Double Standards for Perlon


Berlin design consultancy Double Standards continues to deliver outstanding cover art for Perlon, the label (also of Berlin) famous for bringing ultra-tight minimal techno to the surface (if you’re curious, Pantytec’s “Pony Slaystation” is still a solid favorite). For the label’s 15th birthday, Double Standards curated – or arranged, rather – an exhibition of each and every Perlon release which is now on display at Bureau Mueller.

Huge typography is clipped and cropped and printed up in shocking fluorescents. That’s really about it, but it does make for a dizzying, disorienting read. And it’s a weirdly euphoric experience. After all, why should a cover need a photograph, an illustration or even whole words to tell a story? Double Standards prefers to set the mood and let the songs do the talking. Staying true to the music, the covers feature a minimum of parts maxed out to full effect. The beats skip, stutter, slip and slide like the words across the covers; drifting by and bubbling up with a subdued pulse that throbs just below the surface.







Knit Lab: Marietta Cobb Museum of Art Yarn Installation Pieces

In January a neighbor of mine told me about a yarn installation project that will be happening at my local art museum and suggested that I should volunteer to help out. I was excited to have an opportunity to work with other local knitters, so I went to the first free workshop last week to help teach. I had a really fun time – its great to see people picking it up so quickly! There were three of us there to help with knitting and we all had different techniques for casting on. We each took a few people and showed them our technique.

The long orange and burgundy piece above the was sampler that I started that night and ended up finishing a few days later. It was fun to just knit and not worry about a pattern. I also decided to dig out my pinwheel project from last year and sew them together into a piece to donate to the installation. I had used various weights of yarn, so it has a more organic feel. It was fun to see how the colors all work together.

I’ll be digging out some more partial skeins and scraps to knit a few more samplers before they’re due in June. Its fun to see all the talent and energy that will come together to make this happen.

Updated Knit Pattern: Gingerbread Icing Ear Flap Hat

I got on a roll and reworked the Gingerbread Icing Ear Flap Hat pattern. I’ve made some modifications to the original pattern to make the crown decreases smoother and have adjusted the ear flap size and placement slightly. I’ve also added a number of charts that makes it easier for the chart-reading knitter, and flat measurements for many parts of the hat. Have fun!

Get it on Etsy for $3.50:

Get it on Craftsy for $3.50:

Updated Knit Pattern: Two Color Gloves

I’ve finished up the free patterns and have finally started working on updating my patterns that are for sale. I have also decided to increase the price of the patterns based on all the work that goes into revamping them and all the great new charts and images that I’ve added. I think they are worth it and hopefully you will too!

The first pattern I’ve tackled is the Two Color Fingerless gloves pattern. This pattern, like the Gingerbread Icing Hat, has two versions that are included in the pattern. I’ve also added a pattern chart, finished measurements for each size, yarn yardage information for each size, and pictures of my new samples to show you how they should look.

I think I’m most excited about a quick reference color chart that I made so you can easily reference what pattern row and color you should be working on without having to read back through the written instructions. Enjoy!

Two Color Gloves on Etsy: $3.50

Two Color Gloves on Craftsy: $3.50