New Year, New Patterns

As the new year approaches, I’ve set a goal for myself to review all of the patterns I created last year (starting at the beginning). I will be revising them to be easier to follow with more  information and even more images. I’ve learned more with each pattern and want to make sure they are all as clear as possible. It will take some time to accomplish this, but I’ve created a new page for Patterns where I will list them all with links as they are complete.

The first pattern I have updated is the Gingerbread Icing Gloves. I’ve added more information like yardage, gauge, finished measurements and a pattern chart. I plan to do the same with my other patterns. Cheers!

Things We Like: Charles Demuth’s “I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold”

Charles Demuth I Saw the Figure 5This favorite of ours from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York occupies a small gallery hidden in a far corner of the museum. While seemingly dwarfed by the Met’s glorious international holdings, this sparkling example of American modernism triumphs with bold, common imagery placed into a spiraling, slashing, charging composition that radiates with the the frenzy of the city street. Simply magical.